Friday, November 28, 2008

Progress and Hurdles

On October 15th Ryan (my brother-in-law) and I went to the recruiter's office in Mount Pleasant. I had already made up my mind that I wanted to join and was there to make sure I was eligible. We set up a meeting for the following Monday to start the paperwork. Joining as an officer involves much more and takes a lot longer than regular enlistment. I began requesting letters of recommendation, writing an essay on why I want to be an officer, gathering information on the past seven years of my life, and contacting people to let them know of my decision.

On November 18th I was on my way to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) and get a physical, but on the way there my recruiter called. I was on a van with other people that were going so I couldn't turn around and come home. My recruiter had learned that I needed a medical waiver because I had had vision correction surgery (PRK/ASA - similar to LASIK) and therefore couldn't test or take the physical. So I spent the day in Shreveport, LA hanging out with the shuttle driver, then my recruiter once he arrived. It was a day that seemed wasted but was truly a blessing in disguise.

First I must explain this. The finale' of all our efforts is to get me before a board of three officers. They will approve me to go to OCS (Officer Candidate School). My "packet" must be turned in about three days prior to meeting them. The packet must include an age waiver. In order to apply for an age waiver we essentially need to turn in the entire packet, including letters of recommendation, my essay, my resume', and a bunch of miscellaneous forms.

We were trying to get everything together in time to apply for and receive an age waiver and turn the packet in by Monday December 1st. This goal put a lot of pressure on me, as at the time I still didn't understand exactly what all had to be completed when. We didn't have any leeway time wise and I was being asked to produce things in very short order.

The delay caused by not being able to process at MEPS that day meant I would not meet the Dec. 1st deadline. The next board will not be held until January. This took SO much pressure off; I cannot express how relieved I was. On top of that, I was told that I will probably have to ship out around mid January. I was hoping to leave around mid February, so that was weighing on me too.

As of today we are still waiting for approval of the medical waiver. I don't know the chances of being disapproved, but it is a concern. We should definitely find out this week. I fully expect to be approved but am preparing for the worst just in case. I remind myself that the Lord knows what's best, even when it makes no sense to me I will trust in his hand on my life. I've seen his sovereign wisdom evidenced over and over again; I am at peace knowing that it's all going to come to a good end and looking back it will all make sense, even if it's presently clear as mud.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Keep pressing on Julie! I'm praying for you. Thank you SO much for the update!

    Miss you so much!

