Monday, February 16, 2009

Army Stand Down

"Jump In Suicides Spurs Army Stand Down" / "Army Recruiter Suicide Crisis"
"the Army is ordering every soldier to stop what she or he is doing and undergo training in suicide prevention."
"A stand-down of the Army’s entire recruiting force, ordered by Army Secretary Pete Geren, will take place Friday."
"A separate stand-down, for all soldiers, will take place over a 30-day period beginning Feb. 15."
I can testify first-hand that the recruiters I've been in contact with work from morning until late in the evening/night, often six days a week. They're spouses miss them very much and have a difficult time coping with their constant absence and inability to keep regular hours or come home at a decent time no matter how hard they try. One recruiter recently told me that he sees his children for a little while every morning, but they're already sleeping by the time he gets home at night. He's been in the position for a year and has two years to go before getting reassigned elsewhere.
If a soldier signed up for it that would be one thing, but so far, every recruiter I've met was assigned to recruiting duty. No regard was given to the soldier's desire to be a recruiter, or lack thereof. They all make the best of it they can, but it is very demanding and extremely difficult on the home life. This is not to mention the pressures that come inherent with the job itself.

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