Friday, February 20, 2009

OCS Board Date

The only thing left is to interview with the Officer Candidate Selection Board in Oklahoma City. It will last 30-45 minutes; they will evaluate me in many areas, most pertaining to leadership potential. I will need to tell of situations when such and such happened and how I handled each situation. I'll need to display decisiveness, confidence, and the ability to think on my feet. I know I will do well but these are areas that I can use work in. I guess as long as I exhibit potential, all should go well, and I do have that potential.
I had planned on going in the first week of March, but the next March board is on the 19th, a month away! There is one more in February, on the 26th, two days after I leave work, what timing. So I will jump in head first and go for it! We will leave early in the morning on the 25th, as there are other things that need to happen before I see the board the next day. There is very little preparation time between now and then so any prayers and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. Thanks! and good night, it's very late... ;)


  1. Oh Julie! I feel awful that I haven't checked your blog in so long. So much has happened and happening so fast!!! Wow! I honestly can hardly believe it. The 25th is soooo soon! I will definitely be praying for you sis and waiting anxiously for the results. I know you will do wonderful though. :) We are all SO proud of you! Goodness, I kinda sound like a sister, don't I? ;-) I love it! We all feel so close to you. I can't believe so much is happening in your life. It is SO exciting Julie. I am really happy for you but know that we're going to miss you SO much!

    Love you so dearly sis Julie!!!


  2. Oh my so soon! Well I geuss not that soon you know how time fly's some times.

    I hope that we will be able to host a going away party for you.

    I love you so dearly,

    Love Grace
